SSTB now offers e-exam
In our previous range of paper-based exams for ISTQB Foundation and Advanced Level SSTB can now also offer e-exam at Foundation Level.
SSTB's e-exams are conducted on the same basis as our paper-based exams, the same terms and conditions apply, the difference is how the candidate is conducting the exam and that you can get your result immediately after completing the exam.
An e-exam is an exam where the candidate, instead of answering on paper, conducts the exam on a computer, in this case an iPAD. Upon completion of the exam, the final result (number of points achieved) is presented at once and the candidate will later get their certificates sent by mail in the same way as the paper exam.
SSTB's e-exams impose no other requirements in place, local and other conditions than those of our paper exams. It is even possible to perform the paper-based exam and e-exam at the same occasion.
Are you, as a training provider or exam coordinator, interested in organizing an e-exam please contact SSTB.