Applying and paying, how does it work?
You can take an ISTQB-accredited course and take the exam after the course. If you pass the exam you will be certified. If you already have taken an ISTQB-accredited course or don't want to take a course you can choose to only do the exam. In that case you need to contact the training provider in due time, at least two weeks before the exam. The exam is in most cases arranged by the training provider but in some cases also by SSTB, called open exams. Regardsless who is arranging the exam it is always SSTB that conducts the exam and issues the certificates.

ISTQB-accredited courses are available in different parts of Sweden. In the Calendar you will find the actual courses.
The course material at Foundation level is available in Swedish and English. The language spoken is however mostly in Swedish. The following exam are in both languages. SSTB recommends that you choose the same language for the examination as used in the terminology of the course. You choose language in connection with your application.
Applying for a course
You apply for a course directly to the training provider or to its administrator. The link in the table in Examination dates (rightmost column) shows to whom you should address your application.
Applying for examination
If you take a course before the exam you will get information from the training provider about the examination. If you only take the exam, the link in the exam calender (rightmost column) will bring you to a web-page with contact information of the exam administrator.
For taken the exam for Agile Tester, Model-Based Tester and on Advanced Level you must hold a certifcate on Foundation Level Core. This certificate must be presented to the proctor together with your ID-card before the exam.
You pay for the course and the examination to the training provider. Each of them has their own routines that you will receive details about when you apply.
If SSTB arranges the examination (SSTB Open exams) you can apply and pay for the exam on SSTB home page.
If there are not enough applicants the examination can be cancelled.
Personal data
We handle personal data according to GDPR.
In order to participate in the examination you need to show your identity card to the proctor. For Agile Tester and Advanced Level you must also present you certificate on Foundation Level
Read more about examination in the pages below