Order a personal ISTQB logo
If you haven’t added your ISTQB Certified Tester logo to your website, resume, business cards, and blog, do it today. Doing so will make your proven knowledge visible – it is a powerful symbol of knowledge.
Below are some rules to remember when you are using your logo ISTQB Certified Tester
Please be aware that SSTB can only help you with your logo if you are certified by SSTB (Your certificate ID starts with “SSTB”). SSTB only owns information about certificates issued by SSTB.
Below are some rules to remember when you are using your logo ISTQB Certified Tester
- The logo can only be used in personal context, e.g. CV, resume, business card etc.
- The logo should not be used by your company to tell that the company is ISTQB certified
- Display the logo responsibly – it is a powerful symbol of knowledge
Please be aware that SSTB can only help you with your logo if you are certified by SSTB (Your certificate ID starts with “SSTB”). SSTB only owns information about certificates issued by SSTB.