Inquiry of interest, ISTQB Expert Level, Improving the Test Process
SSTB investigates the possibility to arrange courses and examinations for ISTQB Expert Level, Improving the Test Process (ITP).
Improving the Test process consists of two courses (and certifications):
- Assessing test processes (5 days)
- Implementing test process improvement (4 days)
For both parts is held a course and a certification. You can take a certification in one of these parts independently of the other. If you do both certifications, you have two certificates at ITP. You can then use the term "Full ITP certificate" but will not get any extra certificate for this. To do the examination, you need to be certified at ISTQB Advanced Level, Test Manager. SSTB also recommends 5 years of experience in practical testing. It is recommended to have som experience in test inprovement.
If there is interest, we will arrange courses for these two parts in cooperation with T-systems in Germany. Both the material and the course will be in English. The courses have got good recommendations, as seen in the comments here.
After the courses we can arrange an exam. To participate in the exam you need to be certified as ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager along with the previously mentioned recommended experience.
You can find a description of the courses at
- SSTB:s homepage, under Documents/Syllabus (Overview och Syllabus)
- two flyers from the training provider. Flyer 1. Flyer 2
There is also a book on the subject written by Graham Bath, Improving the Testing Process, available at most web bookstores. See SSTB's website under Documents/Literature for self-studying.
The courses covers the chapters in the syllabus and book as follows:
- Assessing test process. Chapter 2-5 and 6.2-6.3
- Implementing test process improvement. Chapter 6.1, 6.4-6.6, 7-10
Total cost for courses is calculated at
- 32000 SEK (plus VAT) for Assessing test process
- 28000 SEK (plus VAT) for Implementing test process improvement
Should many sign up the price may be lower.
Cost for certification is not included.
The examination for each of the sections consists of two parts, one with multiple choice questions (45 min) and one with essay questions (90 min). Time will be added with 25% for those who do not have English as their native language. The allocation between parts may be slightly changed.
If you are interested in course and/or exam, plese fill out the form by 2016-01-31
To the form